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Web Development

Know About Progressive Web Development (PWA) Services

written by Admin | Apr 08, 2017
Know about Progressive Web Development (PWA) Services

Initially, we used to know only two types of apps in the online market but eventually we can count on one more type of app. This is the latest one and uses all the latest concepts to build an app which is enclosed with a native app technologies and produces an amazing web user experience. You may remember the latest update of ionic 2.2.0 which is mainly used for the hybrid app development they have solved many problems of the ionic developers such as ionic storage, display problem, development speed etc.

Likewise there is a new thing regarding the web experience which is progressive web apps. Your company can be the Best Web Development Company in India if you totally adopt this update. It is mainly used for the betterment of the web user experience as web based apps are facing many complexity in comparison to native apps. So technology has come up with a new feature which totally tells about the web experience and uses the advanced capabilities of the native app so it is a mix match of native and hybrid but mainly focused on hybrid.

#1 What is the need for progressive web app?

  • Deserves to be on the home page:

A progressive web app is made with all the qualities enrolled in the native app development and the advanced user interface so it is often taken as a home page. I mean when all the deserving qualities are met which is needed to be on the home page chrome itself forces users to add this as on home page. It itself is a big thing that google the well known and most known search engine suggests the name of progressive web app.

  • Uses konga to provide best data usage

The progressive web app is facilitated with konga which is an e commerce website in Nigeria that allows the best reduction that can be done in the data usage when things are bought and sold on the site. Since PWA is also a part of konga so it gives a best reduction in the data usage over the web experience. For example, 63% is reduced in the data usage for your benefit on page loads.

  • Advanced web push notifications

It’s been realized that an increase is engagement of the users is experienced while having this web push notifications. The thing is that it has helped many e commerce sites to develop their customer traffic as they spend lot of time on the websites being curious to know about many offers and discounts.

  • Increment in the conversions

PWA has helped to increase the conversions of different platforms and operating system. Initially a challenge used to be like there would be no accessibility to the conversion to the customer because of the offline status. So online sites start trying PWA strategies and got a sudden increase in customer interaction.

#2 RFE principle of progressive web application:

R- Reliable

F- Fast

E- Engaging

  • Reliable: It is highly reliable as service workers has allowed the progressive web apps to load instantly. The service worker is a client’ proxy which is usually written in JavaScript and performs all the functions like push notifications, connectivity changes, network requests etc. They are highly independent for the app but are working for the app. It means they are in the background of such amazing user experience.

  • Fast: Today’s generation don’t wait for the things to happen. They will definitely complete the task before it’s time runs out. So in this type of generation if you have developed a slow web user experience then it’s totally a loss to the business. For each click there is money. If you want to make money then provide the fastest speed of browsing and PWA has provided the fast speed to be browsed. This is why it is best among the others.

  • Engaging: It is very engaging as it appears on the home screen without any installation from the app store. It is pre installed as your home screen and this keeps your web engaged. It allows you to get the push web notifications, have a conversion when it’s offline. You can get the appropriate functionality once you start using this. The loading page speed is also high and comfortable.

#3 Lighthouse to reduce manual testing:

Basically, lighthouse is used for elimination the testing procedure. It improves the quality of the PWA as it reduces all the efforts that can be used for the execution of the web experience. Instead of testing it produces audits for the efficiency, performance, functionality and accessibility. It can be either installed as a google extension or a command line tool. Both the ways are flexible and can be downloaded easily. Once the download is completed then opt for the audits to enhance the performance of the PWA.

#4 Key features of progressive web application:

There is no checklist to be a progressive web app developer. It is already on your web page so no need to attain things to get enrollment in the PWA. There are lot of service workers working on the behalf of the PWA. So it easily accessible to the videos and audios. Since these are apps are so much helpful in the development so we need to keep it secure. Don’t mix up the contents of the website as it will create an error and page won’t be loaded. Chrome has some criteria to be met. There is always a help section to help you better so don’t hesitate to know more things.


The conclusion is very facile. Get started with the progressive web application development which has resolved all your problems facing while hybrid app development. It uses all the latest technologies adopted by the native app. This is the everlasting web experience don’t miss such good opportunity to develop your apps so easily and precisely.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.