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Web Development

Top 5 WordPress Security Plugins to Keep Your website Secure From Getting Hacked

written by Admin | Apr 10, 2017
Top 5 WordPress Security Plugins to Keep Your website Secure From Getting Hacked

In today’s date business making websites are preferably developed on the WordPress platform. WordPress has evolved as a major business making trend due to its extraordinary features that make it be the best among the website platforms. The developers first choicely are favorable to the WordPress stating that it has given all the functionalities which are the minimum criteria to raise your business.

As the technology is rising up, the hackers are also scared about the security level. The high the security the high the chances of hacking. WordPress assures the users to be highly secure as it has inbuilt so many plugins for the safety purpose. According to a survey, as an average of 500 websites are created daily on the WordPress platform, which means that 15000 websites in a month. It is an amazing thing that they have maintained their level of growth and satisfied the users and the developers with their overwhelming features and attractive points. WordPress development services have made oneself feel better to develop things. WordPress has started a system of providing blogs also to explain it deeply how can we use WordPress to develop and build our apps. It is an asset to the developer and to the online market. The good thing is that the website can be built in an easy way and at affordable prices. This will create more revenue for your business. It offers many facile benefits such as easy access to the interface, minimum coding, security from getting hacked etc. All these benefits count to make the WordPress more desirable and exceptional.

5 Top most security plugins available in WordPress management:

The increment in the demand for the WordPress platform is because of the high-security alert provided by the WordPress. It offers so many security plugins which can be used while doing the coding to build a website. Every website when it is built has a fear of getting hacked as no one wants to be less than anyone so to keep your website extremely secure and high alert adopts the features given by the WordPress.

#1 Wordfence:

This plugin of WordPress has an advanced security of the websites. The premium version of the provides high alertness regarding the predefined country blocking and has the accessibility to the scheduled scan. The features offered by workforce are as follows:

  • Overall activity monitoring to keep every thing in control.

  • IP blocking of the unwanted things.

  • Firewall protection to protect your information.

  • Scanning of the viruses that may infect the sites.

#2 Sucuri Security:

The second topmost security plugin seems to be free for the availability to the users and the developers. It is said to be perfect in tracking the ongoing activities of the websites. Sometimes it becomes hard for the developers to figure out the exact problem. In this case, this plugin is very useful and adaptable. It allows the developer to check the previous activities and find out the fault as soon as possible. It is superior in the auditing of the websites and maintains the track of the websites interaction. So, if your website goes wrong in any of the point you can definitely figure out the issue.

#3 iThemes Security:

This plugin is useful for tight security against the hackers. They can’t hack your website’s single data if you have protected your website with this plugin. It is available in two version-free and premium. The premium is worth to be paid and the free version is acceptable by all the users. It offers numerous ways to secure your website so don’t wait for more cross checking. Install it today itself and secure your websites with the ultimate features. Loose the fear of losing data.

#4 All in One WordPress Security & Firewall:

This WordPress security plugin will let you know about the small changes that can be smelled in the website. You can’t escape from this security. So it is an active high alert platform to save your website from getting hacked. It shows the score on the dashboard how much your website is secured at that point of time. If any of the threats is encountered then it scans it and let you know if it isn’t possible. It implements all the advanced data used for the security purpose of the website. In short, it contains all the features which are mandatory for the secure website.

#5 BulletProof Security:

This plugin is used in our day to day life. All of the websites have a registered email id which can be experienced at the time of logins. This plugin keeps a record of all the login attempts and tracks the day to day data. It will send a confirmation alert to the email id to verify whether it is with the same registered person or whether it is any other person. As the name indicates it is a one click bullet proof for all the threats which are experienced in the websites. It provides protection against these infections:

  • RFI
  • CRL
  • SQL
  • XSS

The final thought:

WordPress has given us all the latest features required to secure your website with high security. BR softech is one of the Top WordPress Development Company which worked with 100% dedication. This is very useful and in demand of the developers. As well as it is user friendly. Don’t take the risk for your website and start working on the WordPress today itself. Hunt for the bestest thing that you can ever get in the security line.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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