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What You Must Consider Before Hiring A Designing Agency?

written by Saloni Agrawal | Mar 21, 2021
Questionnaire before hire a designer

At present, if you are doing business without having any mobile application or website solution, you are not going to have a large customer base! This is the time when you should realize the importance of app design and development services to reach a large number of audiences and get their response to your venture.  

To grab more customers, design an attractive and intuitive mobile app solution for your business. For this, you can hire a top mobile app designing company for high-quality services. But do you know how to deal with the designing firm while hiring them or what are the things to consider at the time of the hiring process? There are many questions to ask to get a clear vision about the firm you are going to hire! 

A Complete Guide About the Considerable Things To Hire a Designing Company

Designing an app is the most essential part to make an app successful and liked by the maximum users. So be careful and attentive when you are going to hire a prominent app designing company. Before discussing in-depth details, let’s check out the current market situation-

As per the reports, the mobile app worldwide is going to have an overall revenue of around $935 billion across the globe till 2023. In the current time, the app revenue is forecasted to reach $581.9 billion. Here is a graph to display it-

Mobile apps and website designing services business is growing day-by-day with more visibility and it heads to more business. You can see in this below figure how fastly the number of smartphone users is increasing per year-


Questionnaire of Hiring a Designing Agency:

Why Do You Need To Hire An App Designer?

The following points will help you to know the importance of hiring an app designer, check out these-

  • Hire website or app designers and they will provide an efficient user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to attract users with impressive design. 
  • Designers increase the app presentation by including graphic design via considering the users.
  • App designers go through the research before beginning the app design relevant to the specific industry, target market, and user’s needs.
  • For having more profit, designers provide qualitative feedback options in the UX design to enhance the response. 
  • They develop common colors, buttons, symbols, icons, and font styles to make the app simple to use and more familiar. 

What Kind Of Services Are You Looking For?

Leading mobile and website app development companies often provide services for different platforms with the help of advanced technologies and methods. Here are some top-notch services-

  • A top solution including Modern UI, next-generation technologies, and intelligent algorithms.
  • Mobile app development services based on Flutter and React Native
  • Design and development of native iOS and Android mobile apps. 

What are Different Types of App Designers You Can Hire?

A designer is someone who makes an app worth using by improving its format, structure, and appearance. In simple words, anyone who has good imagination and skills in different areas like graphics, images, themes, spaces, interfaces, services, etc, can be a good designer. Below are different types of designers, check out them-

Web Designer / App Designer

You can hire an app designer who designs website pages and web interfaces for the internet. It also includes complete website or mobile app design.  

Graphic Designer 

A person who designs images, visuals, and other elements that are visually eye-catching and also suitable for conveying the idea.  

hire an app designer

Animation Designer 

Animation designers are hired especially for creating animations. You can see great examples of animations in the form of video games. 

Motion Graphics Designer

Motion graphic designers are accountable to make the objects, images, text, illustrations, animations, etc. moveable or to bring motions into them.

UI/UX Designer

UI designers design interfaces for mobile apps or other software solutions and UX designers are for providing user experiences via improving the app design and interaction usability between the solutions and the user.

2D & 3D Designer

2D designers create 2-dimensional models and 3D designers create 3-dimensional models for different projects that include video games, films, ad campaigns, etc. but 2D is mostly used in images and in other two dimensional things. 

Logo Designer 

Hire a logo designer to design custom and unique brand imagery that represents specific products or firms. These are also called graphic designers. 

What Kind Of Services Will Be More Beneficial And Why?

However, people are preferring hybrid apps as they are cost-efficient and faster to create than native apps. These apps are less-maintenance but they are dependent on the browser speed. Whereas, native apps have fewer errors and offer fast performance than hybrid apps. Hybrid apps can never be as fast as native apps and the amazing user experience provided by native apps is something of another level.   

Ways To Find A Perfect Designer?

When it comes to hiring a perfect app designer, many questions arise in a client’s head. To answer all of those questions, we are here with the suitable ways to have a top designer. Look at the following-

  1. If you want app development for your future venture, then ensure you have a proper business plan while going to the  hire an app designer to explain the design of that app. It is necessary to look out for each thing to begin a brand identity campaign to change your brand completely.
  2. Consider 2 or 3 best graphic designers and tell them about your project needs and expected outcomes. If they understand these all, then do the price comparison as per the services and choose a well-deserved and appropriate app designer. To know their skills, you can ask them about-
  • Website design
  • Brand identity and logo design
  • UI/UX design
  • Print or editorial design 
  • Label or packaging design 
  • Motion graphics 
  • Typeface design 
  • Data visualization design
  • Icon or pictogram design
  1. Analyze the depth of their skills and knowledge and based on that make the final decision. Try to find out how passionate and focused they are by asking them about their previous work.
  2. Ask them to provide their portfolio and past work samples. These will help you a lot to find out the right app designer or specialist via looking at the best portfolios. 

What Are The Major Tools Of Design Will You Use?

There are various designer tools to use for app designing used recommended by professionals. Check out these following top 10 app designing tools you can choose from-

  1. Adobe Photoshop
  2. ProofHub- Proofing Tool
  3. Filestage 
  4. Adobe Illustrator 
  5. Bannersnack
  6. PicsArt
  7. Fotor
  8. DesignBold
  9. Sketch 3- Graphic app
  10. Logaster

>>>Read More: 10 Steps to Calculate The Mobile App Development Lifecycle<<<

Will I Get Optimized CSS, JS, Bootstrap On My Site?

Yes, you will get optimized CSS, JS, and Bootstrap with the app designing & development services. It will help to make your site faster and easier to develop along with responsiveness and attractiveness. CSS, JS, and Bootstrap are necessary and used widely by app designers to make the app simpler to use. 

Who Will Take Care of Design Issues?

Your hired mobile application graphic designer will take care of all the issues related to app designing. Below are a designer’s roles-

  • App designing with UI/UX tools and handling designing issues.
  • Interaction with the different departments for design approval and improvement.

How Can I Make Minor Changes In-App/Web Layout?

This is the main concern of every user how they can make minor changes in the app or web layout. You have to make some changes in the CSS code for this, here we are providing some changes with their code that will help you a lot-

hire an app designer

Viewport Setting

Include the following <meta> in all the webpages for making a website responsive. Browsers will get instruction through this on controlling the scaling and dimensions of the page. 


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Responsive Pictures

Here are the use of width and max-width properties-

Use of width property

Set the image’s CSS width to 100%, and it will be scale up & down and responsive-


<img src="img_girl.jpg" style="width:100%;">


Use of max-width property

If the max-width of the image is 100%, it will scale down and never go up than its original size.


<img src="img_girl.jpg" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;">

Display various images based on browser’s width

Elements of HTML <picture> permits you to describe different images for sizes of different browser windows. You can resize an image through it-



  <source srcset="img_smallflower.jpg" media="(max-width: 600px)">

  <source srcset="img_flowers.jpg" media="(max-width: 1500px)">

  <source srcset="flowers.jpg">

  <img src="img_smallflower.jpg" alt="Flowers">


Text Size Responsiveness 

The text size can be set with the help of viewport width. Hence, the text size will follow the browser window size.


<h1 style="font-size:10vw">Hello World</h1>

Can I Get Examples Of Previous Work Or Success Story Of Your Previous Clients?

App service providers might claim that they have rich experience in design and development services, to get the clarity you can ask them to show their portfolio or success stories. 

Also, tell them to provide you with some reviews and feedback related to the field you want services in. Identify if those portfolios are real or fake as it will help you to know how capable the firm is.

If you know any of their customers or you have taken a recommendation from anyone, then it will be better to ask them about the mobile and web development services of that company. 

Can I Get A Customised Design Or Template Layout?

When you have decided to develop a site or an app, determine what exactly you want? In-app designing, you can get anything you want, be it a template layout or a customized design. A website needs to have a unique and responsive design referring to the firm’s branding and will include the business needs.

It is also true that having a customized design is way more expensive than a template layout. The procedure to create a customized site takes much more time than template creation. So, decide carefully what you require?

What Are The Major Factors To Estimate A Price Of A Site / App Designing?

Below are the prime factors that are helpful to evaluate the cost of app or site designing, look at these-

App Type

It depends upon the targeted audiences, if you want to target a large number of audiences, then go for hybrid apps compatible with multiple OS or if not, then go for native apps that offer high-performance. 

App Platform

Before hire an app designer, we have to check on which platform the designer can design the app, If you opt for the Android app platform, use Kotlin or Java, and if you want an iOS app, then use Objective-C or Swift. These have unique SDKs and need specific tools. 

App Complexities

Features and functionality are the two main factors to affect the app’s price. If you want advanced features along with basic ones, it will cost you extra, otherwise, with basic features, there are chances your app won’t work smoothly. 

UI Design

While having mobile app designing services, ensure to craft an engaging and unique UI design for your app. It can cost you up between $1000 to $11,000 including 50 to 250 hours. It will be good to have OS-supplied items and having screens of standard aspects.

>>>Read More: How Much Does Android App Development Cost? | BR Softech<<<

Developer’s Location

The location of your hired an app designer and designers impacts a lot the cost evaluation of your app. The developers of the US charge the highest as their development fee, so if you hire them, do not have a limited budget. 

May I Get Some Cherry On Cake With Design Services?

Yes, apart from designing services like domain name and hosting, designing the web pages, installation of the website security certificate, responsive Ui/UX, etc. We offer various extra web designing services that work as a cherry on the cake. They are as below-

  • Web Hosting management (free for one year or less than that)
  • Website maintenance services 
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • Online marketing including SEO packages 
  • Google AdWord services 
  • Help in classified ads creation 

What Are The Major Steps You Follow When Developing A Site?

While developing a site, there is a fixed procedure including major steps to follow to create a successful app or a final solution. Following are the development steps-

>>>Read More: How to Create an App For Android and How It is Beneficial<<<


You can’t develop an app successfully without a proper plan, knowing about the hurdles, examining the strength, and software development. Planning will help you to clear every step of app development without the hassle and the project will be completed flawlessly.  


This step will include performance analysis of the software at different stages and generating points on extra needs. It is a significant step required for reaching the next step.


After the analysis stage completion, come to the designing process that is all about the architecture development of the whole project. It will be beneficial to alleviate the possible errors via setting a high-standard and also, stick to it.  


The actual task of developing starts from here including the coding part, designing, data recording, and execution, etc. This step decides the function and functionality of the app.

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After the web or mobile app software development, the implementation step decides the app is functioning swiftly or not? This pilot study will describe all the flaws in the functions.  

Testing & Launch 

The testing phase is done to check if there is an error in the app or website such as spelling mistakes, document bugs, coding issues, etc. if there is any, they will be removed and after it, the app will be launched on the decided platforms. 

Will I Get Well Tested Designs With Multiple/Different Devices, Before The Site Goes Live?

Of course, all the leading web or mobile app development companies that provide app development services test the developed apps or sites on multiple devices with different tools.

It is done so that if there is any complication or error, it will be solved before the development phase or app launching. Below are shown different types of testing for web design-

  • Font test on multiple devices
  • Navigation on the website test
  • Test on small-screen devices
  • Speed testing of your website 
  • Element alignment test 
  • Content placement test
  • Cross-browser compatibility issue test 
  • Test for interactive user experience 
  • Website testing as a user
  • Website pop-ups testing with mobile-friendliness  

Who Will Own The Code/Fonts/Design/Domain/Etc.?

At the time of development, all rights of code, fonts, design, and domain will be preserved by both the user and the designer and development team. But after the project completion, these rights will be transferred to the user only and he will be the ultimate owner of the web or app. 

Will You Provide Any Warranty/Maintenance Services When The Work Is Completed?

Yes, all the top web & mobile app development companies are offering to take care of all the IT infrastructure comprising server, cloud, technology stack, or app maintenance after the development. It will help you to keep your venture up-to-date and enhance the efficiency devoted to every service level.

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These after-development services also include a warranty for a standard period. Sometimes, software performance’s warranty is crucial in various contracts, in which your hired mobile app or site developer offers that the delivered software will work efficiently the way they want and if there is any bug or error, they will fix it soon. Such warranty services last three months to one or two years after delivering the software! 

What Are The Security Standards You Will Follow To Give Assurance To A Client?

In the present time, all the web and mobile app development companies follow security standards & guidelines that are created to give a guarantee to the clients. Different testing tools are also used during the process of app development. There is allowed a smooth identification of flaws in code and unprotected parts. Have a look at these security standards applied by testing teams.

CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System)

It is used to analyze and evaluate risks and weaknesses involved in a globally used application for reviewing and repairing. The ultimate assessment results characterize the risk’s severity outlining the definition and main features. The areawise score points needed attention and refer to how urgent the action of testing and debugging is.


OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)

It was released in 2001 and gets updated after every three years and confirms risk and testing requirements. It also provides support to create a more secure and sophisticated code. It provides services like early fixation of code imperfections and weaknesses to enhance common protection and strength.

Open Web Application Security Project

Some of its needs also involve the device binding verification and use of fingerprints, file encryption and high-code level, identifying and responsive emulation, tampering, debugging, and memory modification. 

NIAP (National Information Assurance Partnership)

It is a government program developed to ensure to follow the government rules and principles by federal apps and accomplish the IT product customer’s needs. Along with the appropriate creation of assessment protection figures and guidelines to assure the suitability, reproducibility, and testability of risk assessment criteria for the government. 

NIAP employs CCEVS (Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme) to ensure the suitable approaches are used for security analysis. It is conducted in testing laboratories and includes the comparison between International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission. 

CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration)

It includes various general vulnerabilities created by the community that has aimed to help the developers analyze the weaknesses and flaws via offering a base ground. It encloses different tires that are parted further into many categories and classes. Its motive is to search easier for a particular keyword.

Summing Up

We hope you have got answers to all your queries related to web & mobile app designing! If you still have any issue or concern related to IT product design & development, you can directly ask professionals at BR Softech who are providing services in this particular field over the years.

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It is a prominent and well-known name when it comes to web and mobile app design and development solutions. 

Don’t be late and have the application and web designing services as per your needs by our skilled and knowledgeable team. Come to us to get our assistance! 

Saloni Agrawal

I am a passionate and full-time writer with experience in academic writing and blogs related to the IT sector, High-tech, and lifestyle. I’ve grown my skills of content writing with the time and have keen interest in learning and exploring new things.

About Us

BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.