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What Are The Top Trending CMS Platforms To Build Websites Like OLX, Quikr

written by Harshita Khangarot | Nov 30, 2020
Trending cms platforms

The question, “How To Develop a Website Like OLX,” often concerns the ones who are interested in venturing into an online classified business. Managing an online classified website like OLX or Quickr requires a lot of complexities and technicalities; that is why Content Management Systems exist, i.e., to make the job easier. CMS Platforms To Build Websites Like OLX are described in the blog. 

Content Management Systems are an effective way to manage your website with the embedded tools that let you create, edit, and publish every single thing that you see on any website. 

As the market is flooded with ‘n’ number of CMS platforms, it can be quite challenging for a person to select a trusted one. This article aims to enlighten the readers about the meaning of CMS platforms, along with highlighting some of them that are the most effective ones.

What is a Content Management System?

As the name suggests, the CMS or Content Management System is a software system that is used to manage content. The technology has been continuously evolving for the past three decades that results in various new subsidiaries such as Digital Asset Management or DAM, Enterprise Content Management or ECM, and many more. 

CMS is an effective tool when it comes to interacting with a website’s database without any hassle. It can help the user to attain a variety of tasks that includes creating, editing, collaborating, distributing, publishing, and archiving the contents of/on a website. 

Important CMS Features


fatures of cms platforms


Before you opt for any CMS platform, ensure that it boasts some essential features as listed below to create a robust Olx Clone App.


When creating an Online Website Like OLX In India, it would not be a wise option if you ditch to lay due to emphasis on the security aspect of the website as a hacker taking control of the contents published on your website can be the worst nightmare. A secure CMS platform will not only protect the website against attacks but will make provisions for adding extra layers of security to your website. 


According to stats, more than 75% of internet users interact or wish to interact with the content provided on any website in their native or local language. It is a generalized misconception that we assume them to be interacting or seeking information in the English language even when they are not.


This marks the importance of multilingual capabilities for a complete Content Management System. This holds even greater importance for the websites that target global users rather than restricted demography. 

Distributing Content:

The omnichannel ways today’s business adopts makes it quite challenging for the operators to secure and manage the wide variety of touchpoints that are included in their operations.

Moreover, the contents that are distributed need to be accommodated for a variety of technological tools that includes the internet of things, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality (quoted as an example; however, there are many beyond). An effective CMS system will cater to the omnichannel needs and provide top-notch customer service. 

Search Engine Optimization Tools:

Search Engine Optimization plays a vital role in the balanced operation of any business, and so does the Search Engine Optimization Tools in an efficient Content Management System. There are certain elements that need to be considered before you finalize the appropriate CMS platform for your business that are as follows-

      • Should not use or rely on frames for content display
      • Mandatory to have alt tags
      • Supports fast page load times
      • Assuring SEO-friendly URL
      • Must be able to customize page titles & meta-data
      • Should include 301 Redirects, not 302

Customer Support:

The objective of integrating the CMS platform in your website management is to enhance customer experience, and customer support plays a vital role in enriching it.


It might be a big turn off if you are left clueless after you purchase a CMS with minimal or no aftersale assistance. You can easily scroll through online resources to check on the quality of aftersale services that the CMS platforms available in the market provides and the key differences between each of them.

Mobile Responsive:

An effective CMS platform will not only be versatile but will also save a lot of costs that otherwise would have required to be spent on creating different versions of your classified platform. It does that by making the current web version to adopt as per the customer’s device by analyzing the platform, screen size, and a lot more. 

Top Trending CMS Platforms To Create Olx & Quikr Clone App

Trending cms platforms

Refer to the top trending CMS platforms that can help you provide a seamless user experience, be it an OLX Clone App or Quikr.

Business Catalyst:

Making its name first in the list, Business Catalyst is an effective platform that can help small and medium enterprises to create websites that offer a seamless experience to the operators as well as the audience. 

As soon as you sign up, you will discover a variety of tools that will help you with each and every aspect of managing a classified app.

CMS Platforms To Build Websites Like OLX


It includes features that can help you to jumpstart blogs, forums, shopping carts, and many more. Moreover, the CMS holds a user-centric approach and provides real-time assistance over live chat and phone. 


Magento is one of the class-leading CMS platforms, and the long list of features with frequent updates makes it a reliable one. Some of the features that make Magento’ The Best’ are-

      • Supports over 50 payment gateways
      • Capability to manage multiple websites
      • Integrate Google Website Optimizer
      • Catalog Management
      • Order Management

The initial release can be traced to the year 2008; however, since then, it has launched frequent updates that make it suitable for a high level of customization. 


PrestaShop is a free to use open source website content management tool that comes with a number of features such as inventory and cart management, shipping and tracking, and many more that can be added to the list making it one of the best Content Management Systems that is available in the market.

Some of the features that make PrestaShop a valuable CMS Platforms To Build Websites Like OLX are-

      • Accepts PayPal payments
      • 24 x 7 customization facility
      • Convenient subscription management
      • Direct bank transfers
      • Tools for image and content management


There are many key areas where OpenCart excels when compared to its rival CMS platforms, and a user-friendly interface is one of them. 


As you access the CMS platform, the first thing that the user comes across is a customizable layout that helps you experiment with how the products will appear that adds a touch of versatility. 

Read More : Which is The Best Prestashop Web Development Service Provider Company USA ?

Moreover, it grants complete control over shipping features. The user can also offer coupons to the existing customers that account for effective coupon management as another important feature.


It was first released in the year 2005, and ever since then, it has undergone tremendous improvements. All this accounts for a fast, easy to use, and secure CMS platform that can be used for creating websites for varied purposes. 

It boasts more than a ton of templates that promotes a great extent of customization to meet each and every type of client’s requirement. Some of the features that give it an edge over other CMS platforms are stated below-

      • SEO friendly
      • Mobile friendly
      • Multilingual
      • Multi-user permission level

The millions of websites that use it as their CMS Platforms To Build Websites Like OLX records the high success and trust that it has managed to gain ever since its launch. 

Importance of Olx Website Source Codes


CMS Platforms To Build Websites Like OLX

While creating a website similar to Olx or Quickr, developers often seek after the source codes. It is a compilation of codes written in such a manner that is human interpretable. It eases up the task of an assembler who eventually converts it into binary machine code.

The main reason behind the developers going in for source codes is to ditch the long process that websites like Olx have gone through until it attained a user-friendly appearance that it boasts today. 

Read More : How to Start a Classified Business in India?

Using Olx Website Source Codes makes it easy for the operator to customize it as per the clientele requirements. It is based on the tried and tested Olx script that ensures that your platform also shares the same robustness as its parent version.


It lends an opportunity where the developers can interpret the structure of the original code and make the required customization that the client demands.

Creating your own website using the Best CMS Platforms To Build Websites Like OLX

The next thing that might hover over your mind is the first step towards creating your own website using CMS platforms.

Well, there are a lot many companies that claim to be class-leading software development companies; what you need to look after is the one with class-leading hands-on expertise over the CMS platforms.

Read More : How to Build an App Like Letgo, OLX, Quikr, Dubizzle

BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing complete web solutions using robust Olx Website Source Codes at competitive prices.

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.