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Game Development

Unreal Engine Vs. Unity : Which Game Engine Will be Best for You?

written by Harshita Khangarot | Dec 06, 2020
unreal vs unity

The role of a game development company in creating high-end video games has been significantly increased in recent years.

The reason being the increasing demand of the committed gamers by experiencing some of the most thrilling games of the decade like PUBG, The Witcher, Fortnite, Grand Theft Auto V, and many more. 

To develop high-end games like the ones mentioned above, advanced tools and gaming engines are required. You must have seen the Unreal name and logo displayed while you access games after downloading it from the app market. It is a game development engine that offers tools and utilities that are required to fuse advanced functions and utilities to any games. 

Unity Engine is one other gaming engine that is popular for creating games with advanced functionalities. There is a considerable difference between both of the game engines that are mentioned above and hence is used to create games of varied features for various platforms.

If 3D game development is something that interests you, then you have come to the right place. This article aims to educate readers about the importance of advanced game engines like Unity and Unreal. Furthermore, hire game developers like BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. to ensure that you get complete front-end and back-end assistance for your 3D game development project.

Introducing To Unity And Unreal Engine

Introducing unreal and unity

Before we start counting the differences between both the game engines, let us first know about their origin and learn their concepts.

Unity Game Engine

Unity game engine is a product of Unity Technologies. The game made its debut in the Worldwide Developers Conference by Apple Inc. Moreover, it was stated as the exclusive gaming engine for Mac OS X. By the year 2018, the game engine has extended its domain and now supports game development for more than 25 platforms.

Unity game development is the process used to create two-dimensional, three-dimensional, virtual reality, as well as augmented reality video games via the Unity game engine. Moreover, it is also used to create simulations and other similar experiences.

Unreal Game Engine

Unreal Engine is the product of Epic Games. The game engine made its debut in the year 1998 with the first-person shooter or FPS game known by the name Unreal. 

Though the game engine was exclusively used to create first-person shooter games in its early stage, the platform has now evolved and is extensively used in many other gaming experiences like fighting games, massive multiplayer online role-playing games, platformers, and many more. 

Apart from creating the games as mentioned above, the platform is also used in non-gaming projects. 

Analyse the Core Differences of Leading Game Engines

Analysing the core

Creating visuals

Visual appearance is one of the most important aspects of any game development. After all, a quality visual experience is much more capable of immersing a committed gamer over a game built with poor visuals. 

If we talk about Unreal game development business, then the visuals abstracted in the development process are of high quality that can astonish even the serious gamers who have experienced a wide range of gaming experiences obtained from various other game development engines. 

However, on the other hand, if we talk about Unity game development, it takes a lot of time and effort for the Unity game development service provider to match the quality similar to Unreal Engine. 

Then also, it is not sure that you will be able to experience the same quality that the Unreal Game engine provides. This is the reason why the big names in the video game industry use Unreal Engine for game development over any other gaming engine. 

Targeted device

Specifying the targeted devices is also a criterion that is referred to before choosing the optimal game development engine. Though the Unity Engine has a weaker hold in delivering outstanding graphics as the Unreal, it is clearly a winner if it is about developing games for mobile and console devices. 

Unless you are targeting high-end powerful PC games, the Unity Engine is the optimal choice for you. Unity game development is what the developers focus on creating high-end games for low-end devices.

Whats your team size

When it is about creating video games using the Unreal Engine, a large team dedicated to different aspects of game development is required. On the other hand, creating a game using the Unity Engine does not demands as big of a team as in the Unreal Engine game development. 

This makes the Unity Engine ideal for a project that is headed by an individual developer or a team of experts. Moreover, the enriched asset store makes creating advanced games a seamless experience. 

Developer Vs Visual Artist

The role played by the professional also affects the choice of using Unity as a gaming engine or Unreal. Making it simpler for you, a developer prefers to use the Unity game engine for the process of game development. On the other side, an artists’ favorite choice is usually the Unreal Engine, as it is capable of providing high-end graphics that have already been discussed in the above-mentioned points. 

The points that are stated in the article are likely to give you the key differences between both the game engine; however, the fact that both the game engines are backed by established game development companies makes them a robust tool for game development amongst the many others that are available in the market. 

Moreover, the key differences mentioned in the article are likely to fade away in the near future. Unity is now focusing on adding more and more features in order to deliver competent, high-quality graphics. On the other hand, the team behind the Unreal Engine is making the game development process much easier compared to its initial versions. 

What’s the Conclusion?

After reading all the points that differentiate both the platforms from each other, you must now be curious to know about which of them is ‘The Best’ for developing high-quality video games.

Let’s get straight to the point; declaring any of them as the best will be injustice done to the other and the rest of the gaming engines that are available in the market. There are many factors that an experienced game development company considers before selecting the ideal game engine for your project. 


Factors like gaming concept, targeted platform, deadline, size of the team, and also the budget that you carry play an important role in determining the suitable game engine for your purpose. 

Moreover, the sincere efforts of the team that backs up these gaming engines are working in a direction to rectify the limitations of the respective gaming engines to make them competent in the near future.

If you are still confused about which game engine to proceed with, we suggest you hire game developers that excel in the game development process and has a long history of developing high-end video games for a variety of platforms. 

The experience of the game development company also plays a vital role in determining the suitable game engine for your project development. If you hire game developers that lack experience, then you will have a limited choice, and the developer is likely to go with Unity 5. 

However, if you hire game developers like BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. that has more than a decade of experience, then you will have enough choices to proceed with any game development engine, including Unity and Unreal. 

call to action for pubg

Hence, it is always advised to conduct thorough research before initiating your game development project as the experience of the game development company will play a major role in the flourishing of the video game that you desire to deploy for generating high revenues. 

Scope of game development

Experts reveal that the global video game market holds a value of 151.06 billion dollars. The figure was recorded in the year 2019, which now must have increased further. 

Furthermore, it is predicted that the market is suspected of growing at a tremendous rate of 12.9% from the year 2020 to 2027. This year that was badly impacted by the outbreak of COVID-19 resulted in many industries to halt their business operations; however, the video game industry was still innovating and deploying video games for mobile and other consoles. 

Video games are considered to be one of the most preferred sources for time pass or say it the source for entertainment.

It is not only popular amongst youngsters but also the elderly. This creates an opportunity for a wide variety of gaming genres to come into the mainstream apart from the evergreen racing and action genres. 

Final thoughts

This article covers every single detail that a person with minimum or no technical know-how about the game engine will understand. There are many game engines available in the market; however, the Unreal Engine and Unity Engine are the most preferred choice with the majority of game development companies. 

If you are looking for turning your dream of deploying high-end games for mobile, desktops, or consoles, then we suggest you hire game developers that excel in handling the advanced game development tools like BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. 

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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