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Ways to Boost eCommerce Business in Festive Season

written by Admin | Jun 23, 2017
Ways to Boost eCommerce Business

Now a days it is a world of internet savvy crowd. And because the upcoming days are festive ones so this internet savvy age shoppers prefer to move online and continuous searching for discount sales instead of buying thorough retail outlets and shopping malls.

Below mentioned are some tangible ways to accelerate your business online:

1) Advertising must begin asap: Holiday campaigns are short term by nature and as the idiom goes ‘The Early bird catches the worm’ so online stores have to manage marketing plans earlier as they take time in promotion as well as in delivery too.
2) Know your Customer: Customer information is an important ingredient for better sale and to for that survey is an effective mean to get acquainted with your customers and prospects. There are many market survey tools, including Survey Monkey, Constant Contact, or Zoomerang.
3) Free & Fast Shipping:
Your shipping options should yell “fast and free” to attract regular and impulsive buyers. A free shipping promotion or discounted shipping with bigger purchases attracts customers to bank on you. Research also shows that 70% of online shoppers add items to their carts to qualify for free shipping.
4) Gifts:
Promotion are a great way to express gratitude to consumers and do offer free sample with every product in this holiday season or reduced shipping, discount coupons, or special offers. One of the Survey also says that 43% of consumers plan to give gift cards or certificates this year.
5) Financial planning:
Bank on your budget and move accordingly. Marketing channels costs vary as Pay Per Click for example, demands substantial budget than inbound marketing. And, if money is not an issue then choose paid advertising or opt for social media and content marketing where your only investment is time.
6) Go for the right channel:
Select an advertising channel that suits your product category. For example, lifestyle, food and fashion related products perform well on platforms that encourage discovery, such as Pinterest and Instagram. While as Technology related products perform better on medium that put forward shoppers’ research and reviews, such as blogs.
7) Countdown Banner:
Add a countdown timer/banner on your home page shows the days to the holidays. This reflects a sense of urgency and can boost factors that increase sales as customers’ notice the time slipping away.
8) Homepage Holiday Focused:
Redesign your home page and make it entirely holiday focused. Highlight sale banners, holiday related stuff or even curated gift packs for different categories. Major ECommerce industry focuses on this strategy to make shopping easier for customers to drive sales.
9) Show Customer Reviews:
Majority of the customers after going through product specification move to customer feedbacks. It’s a proven and admittable fact that shoppers are more likely to buy items that have been reviewed online.
10) Highlight Site Security.
Be sure that your SSL seal is displayed with clarity as nowadays online shopping is on rise and so is the online shopping and e commerce development company and novice shoppers are little bit apprehensive of revealing their payment information.
11) Curate shopping lists:
Design inventory for different age groups, genders, and even in different price ranges. This assist buyer to rapidly search for multiple gifts in less time and apart from this also highlight clearance section so that bargain hunters can effortlessly come across good deals.
12) Mobile-Friendly Website:
Ensure your website is ready for all mobiles for providing seamless shopping experience. Google has spoken. You need a mobile experience for your eCommerce stores. Otherwise, you’ll be penalized in the search engines.
13) Donation to a Charity:
Every human is philanthropist by nature and if corporate sector cares about social welfare and if it shares the profit by doing some charity, buyers feel better about it since they get to know that they have done a good thing over the holiday season. Some companies even ask the customers which charity they would like to contribute to.
14) Email Marketing and Social Media:
This is an inexpensive outlet for you during the holidays, but it’s indispensable to combine your holiday marketing campaign with Facebook or Twitter and email marketing. By leveraging your existing customer database, your probability of increasing traffic and acquiring sales will be much higher than other channels such as PPC. Choose from MailChimp, Aweber, Constant Contact or InfusionSoft.
15) Return policy and Payment options:
In the light of holiday season and to be competitive, you’ve to offer more liberal and extended return and exchange policy.
If you only accept Visa and MasterCard, would your business benefit from permitting PayPal or even Bitcoin payments?
These alternatives are lucrative and can enhance conversions from shoppers that prefer these methods of payment.
16) Analytics software:
It’s very important to figure out where your traffic and sales are coming from, and how you should plan your marketing.
Google Analytics is a good free choice, but you can also take assistance from KISS Metrics and Mixpanel.
17) Logistics:
Its’ indispensable to double check the competency of logistic providers in deliverance of high volume of complex orders on time & the ability to handle returns and exchanges quickly and economically as it’s a key differentiator for sustainable growth.
18) Website Update:
Before you start promoting for the holiday season, make sure that you’ve updated your website for the avalanche of traffic ahead. Get a CDN to make your website load faster as nearly 50% of shoppers will abandon slow loading sites.
19) Quick Checkout:
During the holiday season, shoppers shop through their mobile phones, because they expect that it will take less time.
You have to design the checkout process quick and easy with few clicks. Make sure that the form on the checkout page seeks information that is enough to process the order.
20) Help Option on Every Page:
In case you want your visitors can get their queries resolved while they are still on your website then do mention your helpline number or offer live chat support 24/7 during the holiday season.
21) Last-minute gift guides:
Last moment buyers are the most confused ones and they surf a lot for getting gift ideas. So, it’s better to add a new section to the website dedicated to gift ideas and these will not only be informative but can have direct links to specific product to bring in more sales. The holiday season is tough time, but it is also wildly lucrative.
Wrapping up:
With the ever-increasing use of technology and as the entire thing become convenient and effortless, you have to consider these unique factors to increase your profits and make your customers happy.
You can start a great business via BR Shopping business solution by BR Softech and the customers in turn can avail an amazing shopping experience. You can start your business by selling products on your own e commerce website and make it easy with the mobile app and web app. It is as easy as doing business on Amazon. Infact BR Shop is similar app like Amazon.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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